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AbstractSyncoilin may have a role in linking the desmin‐associated intermediate filament network of the muscle fiber with the dystrophin‐associated protein complex (DAPC). We have evaluated syncoilin in a range of neuromuscular disorders including Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, central core disease, congenital muscular dystrophies, and neurogenic disorders. Our results show that syncoilin immunolabeling is not only altered in muscle fibers with alterations in the DAPC but also in response to a variety of genetic defects, including those associated with proteins of the extracellular matrix and the intracellular Ca2+‐release channel (ryanodine receptor). The pattern of syncoilin immunolabeling in these diseases appeared to reflect a rearrangement of the intermediate filament–associated cytoskeleton that characterizes both muscle fiber development and conditions in which the cytoskeletal organization of the muscle fiber is significantly affected. These observations raise the possibility that mutations in the gene encoding for syncoilin may underlie some forms of muscle disease. Muscle Nerve, 2005

Original publication




Journal article


Muscle & Nerve



Publication Date





715 - 725