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S-100 beta, a calcium binding protein produced by astrocytes, has been proposed to be a neuronotropic agent. In order to test the tropic effects of S-100 beta in vivo, the technique of cell transplantation was used. C6 glioma cells and C6 cells containing a S-100 beta antisense gene (C6AS) were transplanted into contralateral hippocampi. 5-HT immunoreactive, varicose fibers with a normal appearance penetrated into the glioma mass and were seen in high density around the C6 cell mass. However, 5-HT fibers with enlarged, abnormal varicosities were seen bordering C6AS tissue and were very rarely observed within the C6AS cell mass. Extracellular S-100 beta from normal C6 cells may function as a growth factor on sprouting serotonergic fibers.

Original publication




Journal article


Brain research. Molecular brain research

Publication Date





365 - 368


Department of Biology, New York University, NY 10003, USA.


Nerve Fibers, Animals, Rats, Rats, Sprague-Dawley, Glioma, Serotonin, Nerve Growth Factors, Calcium-Binding Proteins, S100 Proteins, DNA, Antisense, Cell Transplantation, Neoplasm Transplantation, Nerve Regeneration, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Female, S100 Calcium Binding Protein beta Subunit