The role of PI3K signalling in the B cell response to antigen.
Hodson DJ., Turner M.
The PI3K signalling pathway is crucial to normal B cell development and response to antigen. The p1108 catalytic subunit plays an important and non-redundant role within this pathway although other catalytic isoforms may also contribute. Although CD40, TLR and cytokines all activate PI3K the BCR seems especially dependent upon PI3K signalling. The downstream effects of PI3K may be mediated to a large extent by activation of PKB. In B cell development PI3K promotes development of MZ and Bl cells. In the response to antigen PI3K is crucial to BCR-mediated proliferation. PI3K activity has been shown to be inhibitory to CSR. The effects on immunoglobulin production and ASC differentiation are harder to disentangle from the developmental effects on cell populations and at present remain uncertain.